Minutes of the March 25, 2009 meeting at Orloff CAJE in Davie.
Present: Sandy Birch, Kathleen Clotfelter, Lorelei Ennis, Heidi Estrin, Jackie Fine, Jerry Glantz, Etta Gold, Phyllis Gutmann, Judith Jagoda, Meta Lee, Jeff Marks, Tobias Rothenberg, Yettie Ruskin, Art Quinn, Sara Schandelson, Walter Spielman, Arlene Stein, Elayna Weisel, Lee Wixman
I) Heidi called the meeting to order at 12:40pm. Elayna Weisel was thanked for hosting the meeting and lunch.
II) Regarding the 2009 national AJL Convention, Heidi reminded members that travel subsidies are available to assist members to attend who may lack funding. Registration includes kosher meals. The program is available on AJL’s website. The convention takes place July 5-8 in Chicago, immediately followed by ALA in the same city.
III) Heidi reminded members that the SFAJL chapter website is now a blog, available at www.sfajl.org. The newsletter will no longer be distributed in print form and all news can be accessed on the blog. Members that wish to be on the blog's email distribution list should submit their e-mail addresses to Heidi. AJL Podcasts can be accessed through the site www.jewishlibraries.org/podcast.
IV) The guest speaker for the meeting was introduced. Eric Brown is a musician and freelance editor. He recently edited the biography of Stephen Schwartz, Defying Gravity by Carol de Giere. Schwartz is a successful composer and lyricist with famous projects that include Godspell, Pippin, The Prince of Egypt, and most recently, Wicked. Mr. Brown discussed Schwartz’s career and answered questions from members. Visit www.defyinggravitythebook.com for more information on the book, www.caroldegiere.com for the author's website, www.musicalschwartz.com for Carol de Giere's fansite, and www.stephenschwartz.com for Schwartz's official site.
V) Members were then asked to openly discuss news and issues of their own libraries, and many members shared news and questions.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 20 at the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center in Hollywood. Some members asked if the last meeting could be rescheduled due to its proximity to Passover. Heidi will check if that is possible, otherwise the meeting is still scheduled for April 20.
The meeting adjourned at 1:45pm.
Thank you to Art Quinn for recording the minutes.
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